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An album dedicated to his mother. "Luzía with a Z because I wanted to reinstate my mother's portuguese origin, over there Luzía is spelled with a Z, and it is entirely a tribute. There is also a song dedicated to Camarón... but overall, the pain you feel when your mother is leaving pervades the album.

Price: 10.35 €    ( 13.35 $ )
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With Sirico, it's about making an album as flamenco possible and as fresh possible at the same time, it's almost paradoxical, a contradiction, and that's why it's so hard to make an album that sounds flamenco but at the same has surprises and is innovative. New ideas...

Price: 10.35 €    ( 13.35 $ )
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El lebrijano con Paco de Lucia

El Lebrijano in a special colaboration with Paco de Lucía this is Arte Puro, inspired the inovative and the traditional. El Lebrijano is the best display of the Peña de Lebrija family. Cantaor jondo, yet innovative, he has been succesful with the fusions he has made with arabic music.

Price: 7.35 €    ( 9.48 $ )
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Una voz y una guitarra

Live from the Teatro Monumental de Madrid. 2 CDs. Lole and Manuel always took things at ease; with a calmness that hid a revolution. Lole's cante, sober and sweet, and Manuel's guitar, straightforward and masterful, broke with established flamenco. Lole and Manuel's music is not progressive rock, nor is it sinfonic, but it makes part of the genesis of Andaluz Rock. Their music was not traditional...

Price: 18.85 €    ( 24.32 $ )
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Quejio, seleccion - Enrique Morente

Selección summarizes the five discs he recorded with Hispavox, between 1967 and 1977, a decade brimming with discoveries. Few figures has flamenco given birth to with as much aptitude fore creativity as Enrique Morente.

Price: 11.25 €    ( 14.51 $ )
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Rosas del amor - Tomatito

A re-release of the first album Tomatito (1987), re-mixed and with new guitars. His first solo recording is the album Rosas del Amor in 1987; and according to the guitarrist himself, those recordings were given birth to for personal satisfaction. Tomatito is accompanied by Camarón, Benavent, José Miguel Carmona, Antonio Carmona, Juan Carmona & Joan Albert Amargós.He is a skilled guitar...

Price: 12.05 €    ( 15.54 $ )
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Grandes exitos - Lole y Manuel

Lole's cante, sober and sweet, and Manuel's guitar, direct and masterful, broke with established flamenco. Lole and Manuel's music is not progressive rock, nor is it sinfonic, but it makes part of the genesis of Andaluz Rock. Their music was not traditional and classic, it was about vanguard flamenco, with different rhythm and pastoral lyrics written by the poet Jose Manuel Flores, who composed...

Price: 13.65 €    ( 17.61 $ )
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Querencia - Mayte Martín

It's not like Mayte Martín releases many albums, but the ones he does come out with much class and viewpoint. En his new album we may find cantes that are common in his repertoire but had not been taken to the studio until now (Peteneras,la Cabal del Pena, Cantiñas de Pinini, Malagueñas, etc.). In addition, it restores Vidalita, in a much more flamenco format yet without excess. It also treats us...

Price: 19.55 €    ( 25.22 $ )
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Nueva York - Granada

New York - Granada. Possibly one of the best albums of flamenco guitar of all times; best living cantaor in the world: Enrique Morente. Sabicas set a turning point for in flamenco guitar. He fused completely innovative tecniches and styles taking by surprise people within and outside the genre, besides displaying a trully impressing technical virtuousity. Pureness is not an intellectual concept,...

Price: 15.55 €    ( 20.06 $ )
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Como los gitanos eramos

Como los Gitanos Éramos is one this great tocaor's most important recordings, who along with Camarón wrote one of the most exciting pages of flamenco. Here, Pansequito is the essential voice that gives taste the tangos, bulerías, romances, fandangos, martinetes and other palos in Como los Gitanos Éramos. Lola Flores' voice and Joan Albert Amargós' arrangements are the honey covering the leaves of...

Price: 12.15 €    ( 15.67 $ )
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