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\'\'Crotalogía\'\' science of the castanets

This curious argument is, more than a method of the art of the castanets, a scientific-philosophical treatise camouflaged, loaded of a very fine irony against what at that time meant the ‘’Cañí Spain’’. The fundamentals notions of the ‘’Crotalogía’’ or science of the castanets, the description and construction of these ones or the exclusive method and easy to learn how to play this instrument in...

Price: 13.10 €    ( 16.90 $ )
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The castanets. Book

Francisco Asenjo Barbieri (Madrid, 1823-1894), composer considered father of the Zarzuela and precursor of the musical language authentically Spanish. He played instruments as clarinet and piano.
Choir conductor and orchestra, founder of different musical and cultural associations, among them the musical Spain, the Concerts Society and the Book lovers Society, publisher, critic,...

Price: 8.90 €    ( 11.48 $ )
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Figures of flamenco singing. Paco el Americano

Bruno de Perinat compiles in this work, which first edition we reproduce an unpublished repertoire of verses written to be sung by Paco ''El Americano' remarkable figure of flamenco of the XXth century for his nice voice, of tone and soft and with energy gestures. The copy which contains an autograph of the artist dedicated to his readers gather an interview of the singer where he narrates his...

Price: 7.90 €    ( 10.19 $ )
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The cante jondo. Gypsy Siguiriyas , soleares et soleariyas

For the first time they publish in facsimile the work printed in 1922. The andalusian style of singing. Gypsy siguiriyas, soleares and soleariyas, written by Gabriel María Vergara, professor of geography and history who showed a special interest in recovering and compiling proverbs and folk singing, that he himself defines as clear demonstrations of the traditional wisdom.
Amongst the...

Price: 12.20 €    ( 15.74 $ )
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El Niño de Marchena. Book

''In el Niño de Marchena, with crystal clear purity of  spring serrano, it’s the  inexhaustible of the true andalusian song without the obstacles which make them small  by including it in the small songbooks''. Like that, Manuel de Falla was talking about Pepe Marchena, whose life, art and songs are gathered in this facsimile of the first edition of the collection ''Figures of the...

Price: 7.90 €    ( 10.19 $ )
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Collection of flamenco singing

Antonio Macahado Alvarez, ''Demófilo'' (Santiago de Compostela, 1848-Sevilla, 1893), writer, anthropologist and spanish folklorist of the 68 Generation. Son of Antonio Machado Nuñez, well-known politician and andalusian scientist, and father of the poets Antonio and Manuel Machado, he was without a doubt one of the main intellectuals of the second half of the XIX century in Andalusia and the most...

Price: 19.50 €    ( 25.16 $ )
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Very new songbook erotic-sentimental and flamenco.Book

The current facsimile collects the very Novice songbook erótic-sentimental and flamenco of Juan Manuel Villén, a complete synopsis of malagueñas, peteneras, rondeñas, soleares and fandangos. ''Many centuries ago, they have been writing and publishing; there is no thinking, thought, accident neither possible success in the human life that have not been described in songs by the way of seguidillas,...

Price: 9.50 €    ( 12.26 $ )
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De cante grande y cante chico

The current facsimile collects the first edition of the well known work of 1926 "De cante grande y de cante chico" by José Carlos de Luna, industrial ingineer, Civil governor of Badajoz and Seville, collaborator of many national newspapers and, above all, a "costumbrista" poet, one of the most well-read and recited poets in castellano.Then he excelled at flamencology with works such as "El Cristo...

Price: 11.60 €    ( 14.96 $ )
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New verses. Nuevas coplas

Narciso Díaz de Escoyar, erudite, dramatic author, poet, lawyer and journalist from Malaga, gathers in this work, printed for the first time in Barcelona in 1917, a selection of his songs, mainly of malagueñas, peteneras, soleares, seguidillas, granadinas, percheleras and gitaneras that had best acceptance at that time: ''Those couplets I don’t know how they were within the reach of the public,...

Price: 16.20 €    ( 20.90 $ )
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Figures of flamenco singing. La Niña de los Peines. The Cuyanos

For the first time, they publish in facsimile format the work ‘’Figures of the flamenco singing’’: La Niña de los Peines, Los Cuyanos, compilation of fandangos, seguiriyas gitanas, tarantas and soleares of Pastora María Pavón Cruz, considered the most outstanding songwriter of all the time, and tangos, valses and zambas of the famous musical duet from Argentine Los Cuyanos. The text forms part of...

Price: 7.90 €    ( 10.19 $ )
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