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Grandes cantaores del flamenco - Manolo Sanlucar

If there is a difference between Manolo Sanlucar and most of the flamenco guitarrists today it is his innovative abilities and his constant search for new perspectives on flamenco guitar. He has composed pieces with a thick personal accent along with magnificent classic works that have given him the recognition of one of the best flamenco guitarrists of all time. Putting aside common flamenco, he...

Price: 8.90 €    ( 11.48 $ )
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Grandes cantaores del flamenco - Ramón de Algeciras

62 year-old Ramón de Algeciras is a key person in Paco de Lucías group and career. He has accompanied his brother, Paco de Lucía, on many occassions. He is modest and a man of few words. His specialty is accompanying cante, he has never pretended to be a concert giver. As a cante guitarrist, it has never interested him to go solo. Ramon de Algeciras, a.k.a. Ramón Sánchez Gómez, does not attract...

Price: 8.90 €    ( 11.48 $ )
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He is one of the greatest players in the history of flamenco guitar. Up until his arrival, flamenco music had never been as rich or complex. He started a true revolution within the genre, contributing with a series of innovative techniques and styles which surprised flamenco musicians and of other genres. The quality of his songs is also of high calliber, his albums are a must-have for any...

Price: 11.00 €    ( 14.19 $ )
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