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 You are in ::  Flamenco music ::  Collections ::    ::  Grandes cantaores del flamenco - Manolo Sanlucar

Grandes cantaores del flamenco - Manolo Sanlucar #112UN181

Grandes cantaores del flamenco - Manolo Sanlucar

8.90 €  / 11.48 $ 
Disponibility:  3 days
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:: Manolo Sanlucar   More songs of this artist
If there is a difference between Manolo Sanlucar and most of the flamenco guitarrists today it is his innovative abilities and his constant search for new perspectives on flamenco guitar. He has composed pieces with a thick personal accent along with magnificent classic works that have given him the recognition of one of the best flamenco guitarrists of all time. Putting aside common flamenco, he gives his peculiar interpretation and concept of flamenco music slowly proving himself not only as a prodigious guitarrist but as a composer. He is a musician of the people, sensitive and lively loyal to his legacies and to what is contemporary at the same time.
  Disco 1
  1. Esmeralda
  2. Al viento
  3. Velero
  4. Mezquita
  5. Ana María
  6. Angustias
  7. Laberinto
  8. En la carrera
  9. A los humildes
  10. Bienaventuranzas
  11. Acaba pena, pena
  12. A la luz de este farol
  13. A dar gritos me ponia
  14. Los grillos y las cadenas
  15. El Rocío es más que Roma
  16. Se que no te debo ver
  17. La cacería
  18. En mis libros yo te veo
  19. Que garbosa va en la jaca