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    rito y geografia del baile - dvd - The rituals and geography of flamenco dancing

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    rito y geografia del baile - dvd - The rituals and geography of flamenco dancing Ref.: 504830003D
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    Dvd 1. Baile del candil - Milagros - Tomás de Madrid

    • Dvd 2. Fiestas públicas - Manuela Carrasco - Merche Esmeralda - El niño, único protagonista
    • Dvd 3. Café Cantante (hacia 1900) - Manuela Vargas - Paco Romero
    • Dvd 4. Primeros pasos en el teatro - Joselito - Isabel Lopez - El baile hoy 1980
    • Dvd 5. El Café Cantante hasta 1930 - Manuel Corrales "El Mimbre" - Matilde Coral
    • Dvd 6. Fiestas privadas - Sara Lezana - Manolo Soler - Pepa Montes
    • Dvd 7. Folklore y Flamenco - Enrique "El Cojo" - Flora Albaicín
    • Dvd 8. Enseñanza y Técnica - Estudio de Danza de Jerez - Fernando Belmonto /1 y 2)
    • Dvd 9. Consagración del teatro flamenco - Aire de los Gabrieles - Carmen Mora
    • Dvd 10. Aportaciones actuales - "Ay, Musical Hondo" - Mario Maya - Cristina Hoyos
    • Dvd 11. Baile flamenco en la actualidad - Bronce añejo - Eduardo Serrano "El Güito"
    • Dvd 12. Culturas y razas - El Farruco - Dinastías gitanas - Los Farrucos

    Rito y Geografía del Baile was performed immediately after Rito y Geografía del Cante, already in colour, using practically the same technical equipment. Just as in the case of her -elder sister-, it was endeavoured to collect everything belonging to the world of flamenco dancing, to draw from its period, and also to evoke history by recreating scenes and dances which today are practically obsolete, but which are the basis of all the present dances. All, or almost all of the figures of that time are present in this series, accompanied by great cantaores (singers) and tocaores (players) who offer us the best of their repertoire.

    An 18 hour recording on 12 videos lasting half an hour each. This collection gathers a complete account of what dance was about in its original day and also a travel through its history, recreating atmospheres and the bases for all current dance forms. all the great stars of the times appear on this series. with them are the great cantaores and tocaores giving the best of their repertoire.

    Manuela Carrasco, Indio Gitano, Tía Juana “La del Pipa”, Manuel Morao, María Victoria, Melchor de Marchena, La Negra , Manuela Vargas, Chano Lobato, Luis 'Habichuela', Paco Romero, Vicente Escudero, Marienma, Paco Cepero, Guadiana , Paco Cortés, Merche Esmeralda, Moraito Chico, Matilde Coral, Manuela 'La del Barrio', Parrilla de Jerez, El Funi, El Lebrijano, Pedro Peña, Sara Lezana, Talegón de Córdoba, Dieguito Carrasco, Manuel Soler, Antonio Ruiz 'Antonio', Carmen Mora, Carmen Linares, Ramón 'El Portugués', José Mercé, El Güito, 'El Farruco' , Antonio Núñez 'Chocolate', Manuel De Paula and others.

    The DVD is valid and compatible for all countries (NTSC and PAL). Guaranteed.

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