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    Flamenco, Flamenco. Carlos Saura

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    Flamenco, Flamenco. Carlos Saura Ref.: 50113FN660
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    Fourteen years ago was shot  Flamenco, whose narrative revolved around the songs, dances and music of this beautiful art, and that was a milestone in the history of music in our country. With the experience and wisdom over time has been impregnated in the films of Carlos Saura, and re-gather the team that participated in that movie, we go back into the paths of the current talents of this art, alive and dynamic, to make a new movie. Undoubtedly, Flamenco, Flamenco equals the first in the artistic quality, than on technical and off it in the narrative aspect, using all new elements to the experience and ongoing work have been providing to Carlos Saura Over his last works. Flamenco, Flamenco can be considered the greatest exponent of the particular and highly personal way of doing musical theater developed by Carlos Saura, one that has allowed viewers around the world to enjoy our movies and our art, through music,  dances and songs of incomparable beauty.

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