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Manuel Salado.Flamenco Step by Step.

    Manuel Salado: Complete collection. Flamenco dance 10 in volumes.

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    Manuel Salado: Complete collection. Flamenco dance 10 in volumes. Ref.: 50485CAL00CC
    • Price: 185.75  €  (Without taxes)

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    Due to its plastic beauty and its technical expertise, but mainly due to the power of its expression and emotion, flamenco dancing is nowadays at a climax and has gained a prestige that makes it very attractive in every area of the world.

    This collection of DVDs and CDs introduces this wonderful world to beginners and helps to perfect the skills of those who are already initialised or at an average standard through aneasy method that combines flamenco roots with technical tips.
    This wise combination, together with th latest image technology, makes this collection a real Flamenco School.

    Each volume in this collection includes a DVD and a CD that contain all the information needed to learn several flamenco structures or styles, with concise and detailed explanations as well as useful tips. They were designed by a team of professionals with a broad experience in flamenco teaching and broadcasting.

    The Dvd's show firts the artist performing the whole dance to be learnt. After this we can see the same dance showing only the movements. Finally, the exercise will be replayed once more, but showing only the positions of the feet. All the dances and exercises are divided into sections and are preceded by a narration - which can be played in any of four languges: English, French, Japanese or Spanih- that gives an overview and introduces the dance. The musical accompaniment is composed of song, guitarand hand clapping.

    The Cd's reproduce the music of the whole dance a number of times so that the student gets used to the tempo and rhythm. Afterwards, the music is played without the heel tapping and the student has the opportunity to even practice singing.

    These two formats complement each other perfectly and make this collection the best instrument for all thorse wishing to take part in the passion that is flamenco dancing.

    The DVD is valid and compatible for all countries (NTSC and PAL). Guaranteed.
    Subtitled in Spanish, English, French and Japanese.

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