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Antologia Cantaores del Flamenco Antologia Cantaores del Flamenco
Antolgía cantaores del flamenco consists of 2 discs with the following artits: Rafael Romero, Paco Toronjo, El Lebrijano, Caracol, Turronero, Maria la Perrata, La Paquera, Porrinas, Terremoto, Fosforito, El Chato de la Isla, Luis de Cordoba Antonio el Sevillano and Antonio Mairena.
Price: 23.10 €    ( 29.80 $ )
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Con poderio (nuestro mejor flamenco) Con poderio (nuestro mejor flamenco)
A grouping of flamencos from the past and the present, along with a handful of songs that make history, and an overview of the young and daring flamenco, the one for rumbas, the one for the streets. On the flip-side a museum of vintage art, it was pure; the one from before, full of tints and shades.
With this 2 disc album one can enjoy a wonderful journey through all of Spain's flamenco from...
Price: 12.45 €    ( 16.06 $ )
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De la Zambra al duende De la Zambra al duende
Juan Habichuela is considered one of the great masters of his genre and is an imperative reference for new Flamenco fans. He is an indusputable icon and was recognized in a tribute to him in the album "De la Zambra al duende."
It is the tribute of a life and an entire generation, los Habichuela, an integral part of Flamenco history.
Special collaborations include Alejandro Sanz, Paco de...
Price: 10.35 €    ( 13.35 $ )
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Duende & Fiesta Duende & Fiesta
Duende & Fiesta is a 3 disc compilation of the best songs by the best flamenco artists. Interpreters like amaron de la Isla, Tomatito,Carmen Linares , Manuel Soto 'El Sorderita',Chano Lobato, Dieguito el Cigala, Juanito Valderrama, La Niña de los peines, Bernarda y Fernanda de Utrera, Pepe Marchena, Navajita Plateá , Fosforito, Enrique Morente, Antonio el Chaqueta and many others.
Price: 32.00 €    ( 41.28 $ )
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El Flamenco es universal El Flamenco es universal
This double CD puts together 34 flamenco artists. A compilation like few given the high quality of the performing artists, the songs, and the wide variety of styles. From Fosforito in 1957 to the virtuoso Tomatito in 2001, spanning over 50 years of Flamenco history.
Price: 15.55 €    ( 20.06 $ )
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Flamenco Box Set Flamenco Box Set
Flamenco Box Set contains 3 Cd's with the best songs by the best interpreters of flamenco. Artists such as Camaron de la Isla, Tomatito, Paco de Lucia, Jose Soto " El Sorderita", "El Lebrijano", Antonio Mairena, La Paquera de Jerez, Jose Mercé, Manolo Caracol, Carmen Linares, Pata Negra, Ketama, Raimundo Amado and many others.
Price: 37.80 €    ( 48.76 $ )
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Grandes cantaores del flamenco - Manolo Caracol Grandes cantaores del flamenco - Manolo Caracol
'Manolo Caracol has always been the king of the Gypsy cante. God always sends someone but, until now, no one like him'.
When Caracol performed classic cantes he came out as genious, probably the most flamenco voice in history. His efforts always suited the best for cantes in call for flamenco duendes since he was made out of a prodigious metal which dominated his taste for basses, which were...
Price: 8.90 €    ( 11.48 $ )
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Lola, irrepetible Lola, irrepetible
With the motivation of the 10th birthday of her death, here is the most complete compilation of la Faraona, 'Lola, Irrepetible'.
More than 22 recordings of the years 40, 50 and 60 (like 'la Zarzamora', 'La niña de la venta', 'la Sebastiana' et 'Ay pena, penita, pena') + 15 edited for the first time in a digital version (like 'Ay Lola', 'Bulerias de Antonio Torres', 'la ventolera'....)...
Price: 15.45 €    ( 19.93 $ )
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Momentos Cumbre (Los grandes maestros del arte flamenco) Momentos Cumbre (Los grandes maestros del arte flamenco)
Momentos Cumbre (Los grandres Maestros del arte flamenco) is made up of 3 fully remastered Cd's in which 'there is no selection criteria other than offering the listener with a sampler of the best quality voices and guitars of flamenco's most fertile catalogue on record'. It is selection of the best recordings from the archives of the following labels:  Ariola, Columbia, Rca, Alhambra,...
Price: 21.95 €    ( 28.32 $ )
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Pa saber de flamenco 2 Pa saber de flamenco 2
From the jazzy flamenco to the pure flamenco, 'Pa saber del flamenco2' is a compilation of popular songs of the flamenco. This cd is an ideal compilation to have a home, you'll find tittles of Camaron, Duquende, Paco de Lucía, El Lebrijano, Manolo Sanlúcar, Carmen Linares, Marina Heredia, Fosforito, Caracol, Mairena.
Price: 9.25 €    ( 11.93 $ )
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