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Palos - Bamberas

Se trata de un estilo folklorico aflamencado

It is an 'aflamencado' folkloric style. Originally, it comes from the countryside. It is a song with verses of eight syllabes each. The 'bambera' is one of the best examples of 'aflamencamiento' ever. It has been known as a flamenco song thanks to la Niña de los Peines who recorded it and made it become popular. Then, la 'bambera' has been interpreted by many singers who sung it in different ways but always keeping the same rythme marked by the first. In fact, Pastora is the one who named it and took the lyrics of these popular songs and who gave them a flamenco taste by adjusting them to the 'compás' of fandangos, and not to the one of the 'soleá' as many people think. Naranjito de Triana and Paco de Lucía are the ones who changed the concept of this song by changing its steps to the steps of 'la soleá por bulería', respecting  the melody of Pastora. Nowadays, it is this 'compás'  that is used most of the time. Lots of records of songs 'por bamberas' for the last years do not correspond to the interpretation of bambera that is sung in festivals, recitals or 'tablaos'.

Comes from: Sevilla.

Artists related to Bamberas
  • Grandes cantaores del flamenco - Luis de Córdoba

    Grandes cantaores del flamenco - Luis de Córdoba
    8.900 € - (10.44 USD)

  • Autorretrato - Camaron de la Isla

    Autorretrato - Camaron de la Isla
    11.500 € - (13.49 USD)

  • Antologia Inédita - Camaron de la Isla

    Antologia Inédita - Camaron de la Isla
    10.350 € - (12.14 USD)

  • Enciclopedia de los estilos flamencos de la A a la Z (12 CDs+ Libro)

    Enciclopedia de los estilos flamencos de la A a la Z (12 CDs+ Libro)
    99.950 € - (117.20 USD)

  • Niña de los Peines - Recopilación Integral

    Niña de los Peines - Recopilación Integral
    104.950 € - (123.06 USD)

  • Baile Flamenco Vol. 2 - DVD

    Baile Flamenco Vol. 2 - DVD
    19.950 € - (23.40 USD)

  • solo compás - Baile flamenco. Vol. 2 (2 Cd's)

    solo compás - Baile flamenco. Vol. 2 (2 Cd's)
    19.400 € - (22.75 USD)

  • Rocio Jurado. Flamenco. 2CDs+1DVD Pal

    Rocio Jurado. Flamenco. 2CDs+1DVD Pal
    19.500 € - (22.87 USD)

  • Un siglo con duende

    Un siglo con duende
    18.950 € - (22.22 USD)

  • Duende & Fiesta. Flamencopassion

    Duende & Fiesta. Flamencopassion
    32.000 € - (37.53 USD)

  • Ritmo flamenco rhythm (10 CDs + 1 DVD)

    Ritmo flamenco rhythm (10 CDs + 1 DVD)
    90.250 € - (105.82 USD)

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