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 You are here ::  Flamenco music ::  New releases ::  Poemas del exilio Rafael Alberti - Miguel Poveda
Poemas del exilio Rafael Alberti - Miguel Poveda
Poemas del exilio Rafael Alberti - Miguel Poveda 
14.95 € / 17.94 $ 
Availability:  72 hours
Music and Direction:   Enric Palomar
Price total:  


Harminia mundi ibérica. sa

:: Miguel Poveda  More titles from this artist  

  1. Dejadme llorar (7m 32s )
  2. Se ha roto el río (4m 38s )
  3. A la soledad me vine (4m 49s )
  4. Jardín de naranjas (10m 02s )
  5. Huele a sangre (8m 41s )
  6. Hoy las nubes (6m 03s )
  7. Cornearás (5m 46s )
  8. Y sin embargo (7m 07s )
  9. Nana de la cigüeña (3m 26s )
Born in Cádiz, Rafael Alberti had to flee from Spain after the Republican government was defeated in 1939. He went into exile in Argentina, where he wrote numerous poems to express his homesickness and anxiety for his wounded country. His verses with their Andalusian flavour inspired composer Enric Palomar to compose a suite for a chamber orchestra and flamenco voice which resounds with elements of Argentinian music, and which Miguel Poveda executes with boldness and passion.
Live recording at L'Auditori de Barcelona. 7th May 2003.
Includes booklet with lyrics and additional information in English, French and Spanish.

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