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    Método de Guitarra Flamenca/clásica. Juan Serrano & Corey Whitehead

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    Método de Guitarra Flamenca/clásica. Juan Serrano & Corey Whitehead Ref.: 50489ML35274
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    Libro + Descargas online "Método de Guitarra Flamenca/clásica" - Juan Serrano & Corey Whitehead.
    Este método de inicio de guitarra está escrito para aquellos que se quieran iniciar en la guitarra flamenca y clásica, permitiendoles alcanzar un nivel medio.

    Música de la tradición española como la Romanza, Pica-Pica, El Vito, Café de las Chinitas, Perfiidia, la Virgen de la Macarena y la música flamenca de Juan Serrano proporciona una base técnica y musical que mejora la facilidad de jugar en las escalas, arpegios, tremolo, y rasgueado.

    Todos los temas/ejercicios interpretados están disponibles en descargas on-line.

    Formato A4


    The Guita-A Brief History
    La Guitarra (poem.)..
    Parts of the Classid Guitar
    Parts of the Flamenco Guitar
    Names of the Open Strings
    Note Locations on the Fretboard
    Sitting Positionand Holding the Guitar 18
    The Fingers of the Right and Left Hand
    Fingernail Shape and Maintenance
    Picados (Scaies) -Apoyando (Rest Stroke) and Eranab (Free Stroke)
    Arpegios (Broken Chords)
    Tremolo( Preparatory Exercise)
    Rasgueado (Strumming)
    Basic Elements of Music Notation
    Musical Expression Symbols
    The Musical Alphabet
    Half Steps and Whole Steps
    The Major Scale
    The Open Treble Strings.
    Systematic Arpeggio Exercises
    Alternating Index and Middle Fingers
    The Open Bass Strings.
    Playing on the Bass and Treble Strings
    Notes on the First String.
    Notes on the Second String.
    Music in Two Parts
    Playing Eighth Notes
    Notes on the Third String
    Sevillanas I (Trio).
    Sharps and Flats on the 1". 2"d and 3" strings
    The Fifht Position on the First String
    The Natural Sign
    Romanza in A Minor
    Sixteenth Notes
    Estudio N0.2
    The Major Sale
    The Natural (Relative) Minor Sale
    The A Harmonic Minor Scale.
    The A Melodic Minor Scale.
    The Chromatic Scale
    Notes on the Fourth String
    Fandango Duo
    Notes on the Fifth
    Historia de un Amor
    The Dotted Quarter Note.
    Notes on the Sixth String
    Farrucas (Bass Line)
    El Zorongo (Bass Line)
    El Zorongo (Melody)
    Playing the F Major Chord
    PlayingTwo Notes Togerher (Double-Stops)
    El Vito
    Sevillanas Intro
    The Natural Notes
    Sharps and Flats on the Bass Strings.
    The Chromatic Sale
    El Rancho Grande
    Alternating Bass and Chord Progression
    El Rancho Grande (Duet)
    Ascending and Descending Slurs: Ligados
    Left Hand Agility Exercise
    Chords in C Major and A minor
    Las Mañanitas
    Scales and Chord Progressions
    Rumba Rhythm
    Scales and Chord Progressions cont.
    The House of the Rising Sun
    Variations on a Theme from Asturias
    C Major Arpeggio and Chrod inversion
    The A Minor Arpeggio and Chord
    The G Major Arpeggio and Chord
    The F Major Triad
    Barré Chords
    Chord Progressions
    Café de Chinitas
    La Virgen de la Macarena.
    The High D and E on the First String
    Pica-Pica Melody (Guitar I)
    Pica-Pica Accompaniment (Guitar II).
    Pica-Pica Accompaniment (Guitar III)
    Pica-Pica Accompaniment (Guitar IV)
    Pica-Pica (quartet)
    Chord Substitution.
    Key Signatures
    The Circle of Fifths
    Major and Minor Scales in the First Position
    More Chords in the Circle of Fifths
    Allegro by Ferdinand Carulli.
    Allegretto by Carulli
    Andante by Cardli
    Allegro in E minor by Carulli
    Etude in G Major by Carulli
    Adantino by Carulli.
    Larghetto by Cardli
    Menuet by Robert de Visée
    Lección 38 by Dionisio Aguado
    Clarines de los mosqueteros del rey de Francia by Sanz
    Allegro by Mauro Guiliani
    Andante by Ferdinand Carulli


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