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 Olet ::  Flamenco musiikki ::  Flamencokitara ::  todo chichos - (3 cd's)
todo chichos - (3 cd's)
todo chichos - (3 cd's) 
16.95 € / 20.34 $ 
Saatavuus:  72 tuntia
Hinta yhteensä:  



Released to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the release of Los Chichos’ first LP, this triple CD collects their most important singles. The songs in this compilation allowed them to sell over 17 million copies of their records. With their career, these hits and these sales figures, it is clear that Los Chichos can claim that “we are the masters of the rumba” without blushing.

cositas buenas - paco de lucia 13.95 € #112FN333CI

entre dos aguas 9.85 € #112CI07FN

entre dos aguas y otros grandes exitos 15.50 € #112CI314FN

concierto de aranjuez 9.85 € #112CI12FN

yaharí 18.00 € #112CI14FN

integral paco de lucia (26 cd's) 168.90 € #112CI18

en familia - navajita plateá 17.85 € #112CI30FN

paseo de los castaños 9.85 € #112FN31CI

live in america 9.85 € #112FN32CI

interpreta a falla 9.85 € #112FN33CI

 14.85 € #112FN362CI

fuente y caudal 12.00 € #112CI35FN

solo quiero caminar 9.85 € #112FN55CI

almoraima 10.00 € #112FN57CI

la fabulosa guitarra 12.00 € #112CI58FN