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Páginas especiales - Wiki - Flamenco Palos


The "alegrias" are festive singings belonging to the Cadiz singings group (called Cantiñas). Its "copla" or verse usually contain four verses octosyllables. Its melody incites to the dance.
Its rhythm is determined by the "compas" metre of the "soleá", but its is different from the "soleá" regarding its tempo, much faster. It is a light style, happy and sensual, with a clear dancing rhythm.


Bulerias, they belong to the dancing songs, to the solea group and to the metrical style of 12 measures.


Caracoles, they belong to tha dancing songs, to the solea group and to the metric style of 12 measures. The current Caracoles are coming from an old Cantiña called "La Caracolera", Cantiña from Cadiz that you can dance.


Fandangos, this folk song belongs to the Andalusidan folk song branch and to the Fandangos family, songs to dance. The fandango is a traditional tune that you can dance to, performed by a couple, and with bright movements. With a ternary time, octosyllable lines and we usually play castanets to mark times, related to the "jota".
From the beginning of XIX. Century, the flamenco was inspired by the Andalusian fandangos and this is how the "aflamencados fandangos" arrived. Today we consider them as ones of the fundamental flamenco "palos".


Mirabras, they belong to the dancig songs, to the solea group and to the metrical style of 12 measures.


Romeras, they belong to the dancing songs, to the solea group and the metric style of 12 measures. Flamenco song of the Cantiñas de Cadiz group. Romero el "Tito", popular inger from XIX. century created this style on an old Cantiña. He gave it his name and it became "Romera".


Sevillanas, they belong to the folkloric branch, songs to dance, they belong to the group of ternary measures. The Sevillana is the typical song and dance played during the different "ferias" that we celebrate all accross the Andalusian region, above all during the procession of "El Rocio", in the village of Almonteña de Huelva, or during the April Feria in Sevilla or the Andalusian ferias.  They also are popular in the different processions and in the old times the Sevillanas were also present in the "Corralas" of neighbours and patios.
Its origin could be in the previous years to the Catholics Kings period. We have found some compositions under the name "Seguidillas castllanas". Then with the passage of time they become more "flamenco" and we begin to dance in the XVIII. Century until we get the songs and dances that we know today. The sevillanas are included in the flamenco "palos".
The Sevillanas appeared during the Feria of Sevilla in its first celebration, but we legally admitted them under that name in 1884. During this year the "Real Academia Española de la lengua" included that world in the dictionnary.
This is the most popular dance of Spain, you have some fast ones and other slow one.
We usually dance sevillanas in couple, but they are some exceptions and sometimes you can see a group (more tham 2 persons) dancing the four "coplas" of the sevillanas. Before they were seven "coplas" to compose a complete sevillana. We can differentiate four movements in this dance: paseíllos, pasadas, careos and remate. At the end of the last "copla" music and dance match up. It ia a romantic and provocative stance of defiance.
With a compas of 3 x 4, three times. The first one is strong and the two thers are weak.
The first sounds are performed by "rasgueo" until the singer or the guitarist introduce the song.
The guitar is usually accompanied by "palmas" to accompany the singer or the group.


Tangos, they belong to the dancing songs. A flamenco palo with "copla", with three or four octosyllable verses. Considerated like a flamenco fundamental style, with various forms. Among them we emphasize on the Tangos from Cadiz, Triana, Jerez and Malaga. All the theories indicate that the origin of the tango is between Cadiz and Sevilla, there is no relation with the tango from Argentina. The first performers were El Mellizo and Aurelio Sellés in Cádiz, Pastora Pavón and el Titi in Sevilla, Frijones and el Mojama in Jerez, and La Pirula, la Repompa and el Piyayo in Málaga.


"Tientos", it belongs to the gypsy singing branch and it is included in the "tientos" family, dancing singing, included in the "tangos" group and binary style. In the area of classical music there is a composition called "Tiento" (singular) but it has nothing to do with the anterior definition. The "copla" contains three or four verses, octosyllables, and a refrain. Coming from the flamenco tango, even if the rhythm is slower, therefore we called it "tango tiento" primitivally.
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