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 You are in ::  Flamenco music ::  Spanish Pop-Rock ::    ::  Pata Negra Guitarras Callejeras / Blues De La Frontera

Pata Negra Guitarras Callejeras / Blues De La Frontera #509NM468

Pata Negra Guitarras Callejeras / Blues De La Frontera

18.35 €  / 23.67 $ 
Disponibility:  3 days
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Guitarras Callejeras (Street Guitars) is the second record by Pata Negra, the Amador brothers' legendary band. It is possibly the best example in the whole history of late twentieth-century flamenco of what gypsy flamenco rock is.
'Blues de la Frontera' is considered one of the best records released in Spain in the 1980s, not only in terms of flamenco. It is the beginning of a kind of sound that the Amador brothers christened 'blueslería'. It is also the last album that the Amador brothers recorded together. After "Blues de la Frontera", Raimundo left the band and Rafael continued on his own. As the title itself indicates, apart from flamenco, it is blues that can be heard in this record.
  Disc 1
  1. Juan Charrasqueado
  2. Rock Del Cayetano
  3. Morao Mellizo
  4. Ratitas Divinas
  5. Pata Palo
  6. La Pata Negra
  7. Los Managers
  Disc 2
  1. Bodas De Sangre
  2. Blues De La Frontera
  3. Pasa La Vida
  4. Yo Me Quedo en Sevilla
  5. How High The Moon
  6. Camaron
  7. Calle Betis
  8. Lindo Gatito
  9. Lunatico