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 You are in ::  Flamenco music ::  Outstanding Artists ::    ::  Arte y Majestad

Arte y Majestad #112UN70

Arte y Majestad

10.35  / 13.35 $ 
Disponibility:  3 days
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:: Camarn de la Isla   More songs of this artist :: Paco de Luca   More songs of this artist :: Ramon de Algeciras   More songs of this artist :: Camaron de la Isla  More songs of this artist
:: Buleras  More songs of this artist   :: Tangos del Titi  More songs of this artist   :: Fandangos  More songs of this artist   :: Granaina  More songs of this artist   :: Sole  More songs of this artist   :: Fandangos de Huelva  More songs of this artist   :: Cantias  More songs of this artist   :: Seguiriyas  More songs of this artist   :: Taranto  More songs of this artist  
'Arte y majestad' is a piece by Camarn like no other; his was and vocal turns are present in each surco, even if the numbers are signed by Antonio Snchez. To prove this, one need only listen to the soleares, tarantas, seguiriyas and buleras which are dedicated to Curro Romero, whom he admired. Titi's tangos and some Cadiz cantias are also included. There are two natural fandangos and two 'huelvanos,' the ones titled 'Ni que me manden a m' are by Enrique Morente, which Camarn records with an air of personal relief. The album's cover, which consists of a color portrait of Lamara, is once again the original design of 'Camaron de la Isla con la colaboracin especial de Paco de Lucia'. Ramn de Algeciras is on the second guitar.
  Disco 1
  1. Que mis ojitos te vean (Sole)
  2. Slo vivo pa quererte (Granana)
  3. Malito yo estaba (Seguirilla)
  4. Tu cario es mi castigo (Buleras)
  5. Ni que me manden a m (Fandangos)
  6. En la boca de una mina (Tarantos)
  7. Djala vivir en paz (Fandangos)
  8. Arte y Majestad (Buleras)
  9. No naqueres ms de m (Tangos del Titi)
  10.Isla de Len (Cantias)
  11.En la puerta de la ermita (Fandangos de Huelva)