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Flamenco de Carlos Saura vol.1 #506T14C189

Flamenco de Carlos Saura vol.1

11.55  / 14.90 $ 
Disponibility:  3 days
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:: Paco de Luca   More songs of this artist :: Ramon de Algeciras   More songs of this artist :: Pepe de Luca   More songs of this artist :: Carlos Benavent   More songs of this artist :: Jorge Pardo   More songs of this artist :: Duquende   More songs of this artist :: Manuel Carrasco   More songs of this artist :: Jos Merc   More songs of this artist :: Moraito Chico   More songs of this artist :: Joaqun Amador   More songs of this artist :: La Paquera de Jerez   More songs of this artist :: Enrique Morente Cotelo  More songs of this artist :: J. Manuel Caizares   More songs of this artist :: Fernado de la Morena   More songs of this artist :: Fernanda de Utrera   More songs of this artist :: El Barullo   More songs of this artist :: Chano Lobato   More songs of this artist :: Rancapino   More songs of this artist :: Potito   More songs of this artist :: Paco Jarana   More songs of this artist :: El torta   More songs of this artist :: Carlos Saura   More songs of this artist
:: Buleras  More songs of this artist   :: Sole  More songs of this artist   :: Seguiriyas  More songs of this artist   :: Alegrias  More songs of this artist   :: Tangos  More songs of this artist  
'Flamenco de Carlos Saura Vol. 1' brings together grand cantaores and guitarrists such as Paco de Lucia, Ramon de Algeciras,Pepe de Lucia, Carlos Benavent, Jorge Pardo, Duquende,  Jos Merc, Manuel Carrasco, Moraito Chico, Joaqun Amador, La Paquera de Jerez, Morato Chico, Rancapino, Chano Lobato and many, many others.
In his flamenco triology (Bodas de Sangre", "Carmen", "El amor Brujo") and the films "Flamenco", "Sevillanas" and "Tango" Saura is the forever-lasting fountain of youth. Carlos Saura, the reknowed spanish film director, will be young for a while. His mental swiftness, assurence in self-expression, openness and frankness of the soul, great sense of humour and dedication to film-making make Carlos Saura an unique talent in his type.
  Disco 1
  1. El Perol (Tangos) - Paco de Lucia/ Ramon de Algeciras/ Pepe de Lucia/ Carlos Benavent/ Jorge Pardo
  2. Rizo de pmpano (Sole) - Jos Merc/ Manuel Carrasco/ Moraito Chico/ Joaqun Amador
  3. Seguirilla (Siguiriya) - Enrique morente/ J. Manuel Caizares
  4. Sole de la Fernanda (Sole) - Fernanda de Utrera
  5. A dibujar esa rosa (Alegras) - Rancapino/ Chano Lobato/ Paco Jarana
  6. Borracha de aromas (Buleras) - Potito
  7. Yo no s como (Buleras) - Potito
  8. Donde yo iba a beber (Buleras) - Duquende
   9. Mi vida es ma (Buleras) - Duquende
   10. Mal fin tengan (Buleras) - La Paquera de Jerez Morato Chico
  11. Te lo he dicho una y mil veces (Buleras) - Fernado de la Morena/ Morato Chico
  12. Tengo una puerta en m alma (Buleras) - Fernado de la Morena
   13. Me araa el gatillo (Buleras) - Morato Chico
   14. Entro y te veo (Buleras) - El Barullo
  15. Cuando salga la luna (Buleras) - El torta