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La misa de la Alegra - Siempre As #113WM542

La misa de la Alegra - Siempre As

18.95  / 24.45 $ 
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Siempre As is coming back with "La Misa de la Alegra".
"La Misa de la Alegra" is a spiritual trip through Spain, Africa and Latin America following the structure of the catholic mass, and with a great musical variety.
Produced by Oscar Gomez (also productor of "Misa Campesina Nicaragensa") and Rafa Almarcha (Siempre As), including a great rythmes diversity and musical colors. Like this, the classical "rumbas corales" from this sevillano group are mixed with cuban's, central-american's and african's echos. They recordered it in Sevilla, Madrid, Dakar and Managua. In Managua they collaborated with the myth: Carlos Mejia Godoy, very popular in the seventies for his musical group "Los de Palacaina".
"La Misa de la Alegra" - tenth disc from this groups - is a valient plan, social and common, it will surprise a lot of people. As its own name indicates, the joy is the dominant note in this piece, you can listen to it inside or outside the churches.

  1- Alegra (Obertura)
  2- Bienvenido A Tu Casa (Canto De Entrada)
  3. Gloria Bendita (Gloria)
  4. Sevillanas Del Apstol San Pablo A Los Corintios
  5. Yo S Creo En Ti (Credo)
  6. Al Enemigo Agua (Ofertorio)
  7. Santo
  8. Padre Nuestro 06
  9. Canto De Paz
  10. Entra En Mi Cuerpo (Comunin)
  11. Tu Fe (Accin De Gracias)
  12. El Sentido De La Vida
  13. Tu Fe (Reflexin)
  14. Sembrao (Canto De Despedida)
  15. Carid
  16. Oracin De La Mesa
  17. Salve Del Ol (Dios Te Salve Seora)