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 You are in ::  Flamenco music ::  Home ::    ::  Didactic collection of Flamenco to tap one’s feet.

Didactic collection of Flamenco to tap one’s feet. #550005

Didactic collection of Flamenco to tap one’s feet.

78.95 €  / 101.85 $ 
Disponibility:  3 days
Price total:  

Valencia Records S.L

Available on May 23.

The didactic collection of FLAMENCO TO TAP ONE’S FEET, is made up of 3 volumes, each of them is made up of 1 DVD of 115 minutes approximately and one CD of 60 minutes approximately.

The first DVD and CD titled ''TÉCNICA' contains technical exercises on how to hit with feet. (giving name to each of the ways), to exercises of finishing touching and close down for the binary and ternary rhythms.

The technique consists of exercises of Force, Balance, Feet combination, simple exercises of finishing touching and simple close down, binaries and ternaries, each of them has three speeds, with right and left feet.

The second volume titled: Ritmos Binarios consisits of 6 exercises of double finishing touching and 6 double close down and 4 brushes. All these exercises are carrying out in three speeds with the right and left feet, at the end of each exercise, we will carry it out with the guitar a real speed.

All the finishing touching, close down and brushes that are studied in this volume, are applicables to Tangos, Tientos, Tarantos, Rumbas, Garrotín, Colombianas, etc…

The third volume titled Ritmos Ternarios consists of 6 exercises of double finishing touching, 6 exercises of double close down and 4 brushes. All these exercises are carrying out a three speeds with right and left feet, at the end of each exercise we will carry it out with the guitar a real speed.

All the finishing touching, close down and brushes that are studied in this volume are applicables to the Bulerías, Soleá, Alegrías, Guajiras, Soleá by Bulerías, Seguiriyas, Caracoles, etc…

This collection is available in all the Schools of Music and Official Schools of Flamenco Dance.