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Jóvenes Maestros del Arte Flamenco - Rafael Campallo

The farruca, soleá por bulerías, taranto and alegrías are the tracks of this record in which the young bailaor (flamenco dancer) Rafael Campallo is accompanied by some members of his family, who sing and as well as playing the guitar. This record can help listeners to get to know the Sevillian master from a more metric, more precise perspective, allowing us to get closer to his musical...

Price: 29.90 €    ( 38.57 $ )
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The 15 songs in this album are a round-up of the most important pieces in his three previous studio albums and include three unedited songs. It is Radio Tarifa in its pure state, where he offers his musical ideas and creative approach.

Price: 19.85 €    ( 25.61 $ )
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El Bicho

El Bicho banded together on September of 2000; their intention was to make a new musical proposal by using flamenco as the root and fusion as a medium to create something original and a new style. Their repertoire goes from rumbas to bulerías to tanguillos and others. All of their songs, lyrics as well as music, were written by them. It's a band that promises to be one of the big surprises this...

Price: 18.35 €    ( 23.67 $ )
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Andalucia Espiritual

Felipe Campuzano es el más conocido de los pianistas flamencos. Su obra ha sido incuestinablemente el espiritu tipico de andalucia, su estilo propio evoca los diversos ritmos de las composiciones flamencas.Es el padre de la fusión Flamenco-Rock y uno de los músicos andaluces más universales, es un músico moderno y clásico a la vez. Moderno, porque fue el padre de la fusión flamenca con otras...

Price: 16.80 €    ( 21.67 $ )
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Arquitectura del aire en la calle

Los Delinqüentes han sido capaces de crear su propio estilo y lenguaje. Son originales en sus composiciones, el espejo de todo lo que les pasa. Son sencillos, callejeros y todo lo transmiten con la facilidad que les dan sus 20 años. Esos condimentos llegan la gente de una manera directa y contundente, en este, el segundo álbum de quienes han sido indudablemente, uno de los grupos revelación de...

Price: 16.65 €    ( 21.48 $ )
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