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 You are in ::  Flamenco music ::  Flamenco Guitar ::    ::  Toques flamencos de guitarra - Niño Ricardo

Toques flamencos de guitarra - Niño Ricardo #515EMI276

Toques flamencos de guitarra - Niño Ricardo

12.05 €  / 15.54 $ 
Disponibility:  3 days
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A re-release. Recordings from 1958. Niño Ricardo is considered by some the best guitarrist to accompany cante of all time.
Manuel Serrapi Sánchez, Sevilla 1904-1972 is without a doubt one of the best Flamenco guitarrists of all time. According to his biographer Wilkies, he absorved with an unique intelligence the best of the three geniuses who preceded him: from Ramón Montoya, his harmonies, arpegios and sweetness; from Javier Molina, his talent and eloquent accompaniment; and from Manolo de Huelva, his rhythm and grace.
  Disco 1
  1. Gitana gaditana (Soleares en Mi)
  2. De Chiclana a 'Cai' (Alegrías en La)
  3. Sentri de Sacromonte (Granaínas)
  4. Cai Calorri (Tientos)
  5. Marisma de Huelva (Fandango)
  6. Serrana Juncal (Siguiriyas en Mí)
  7. El Mellizo (Alegrias en Mí)
  8. Tierra Minera (Tarantas)
  9. Juncales (Bulerías)
  10. Velez - Malaga (Malagueñas)
  11. Zapateado (en Do Mayor)