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 You are in ::  Flamenco music ::  Collections ::    ::  Grandes cantaores del flamenco - Porrinas de Badajoz

Grandes cantaores del flamenco - Porrinas de Badajoz #112UN207

Grandes cantaores del flamenco - Porrinas de Badajoz

8.90 €  / 11.48 $ 
Disponibility:  3 days
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:: Porrinas de Badajoz   More songs of this artist :: Ramón Montoya   More songs of this artist
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Porrinas recorded all of his cantes with his unique signature; a voice smothered by peculiar bass tones making it hard to be imitated. Whoever has heard him has been able to appreciate a great cantaor who is unbeatable in his art and who, knowing how cante should be done, found the traits that would make a difference in the genre which is why he would eventually become known as an unorthodox cantaor. Porrinas is mostly known because of the fandangos, a genere of which he was king in his day. It was a genre which he sang standing up with no microphone to prove his gallant potential for he said: 'If I sit down my pants will get wrinkled. He had his own style for fandango cante and even in more rare cantes like jales and tangos. He was a distinguished Levante cantaor, which was rare considering he was Gypsy given that there are few Gypsy cantaores who can sing those styles well.
  Disco 1
  1. Gitano de Badajoz (Fandangos)
  2. La Repompa no ha muerto (Media Granaína)
  3. Del convento las campanas (Malagueñas)
  4. Una misa en Roma (aires de Murcia)
  5. Flores en el campo (Aires de la Sierra)
  6. Tan alta la vi subir (Fandangos)
  7. Yo no te obligo serrana (La Caña)
  8. To el mundo le pide a Dios (El Polo)
  9. En el cristal de mi copa (Petenera) (3:11)
  10.Dejarme flores, dejarme (Tangos extremeños)
  11.Con cuatro jacas castañas (Fandangos) (3:13)
  12.Duerme en una tabla (Soleares)
  13.Las dos de la noche (Siguiriyas)
  14.Que nos olvide el destino (Fandangos)
  15.Donde beben mis palomas (Tientos)
  16.Dejame que beba vino (Fandangos de Huelva)
  17.El Lleli (Zambra)
  18.Valverde de mi Valverde (Fandangos de Valverde)
  19.Vengo de mi Extremadura (Jaleos extremeños)