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 You are in ::  Flamenco music ::  Absolute Flamenco ::    ::  Soy gitano

Soy gitano #112UN50

Soy gitano

13.10  / 16.90 $ 
Disponibility:  3 days
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:: Camarn de la Isla   More songs of this artist :: Tomatito   More songs of this artist :: Camaron de la Isla  More songs of this artist
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1989. 'Soy gitano', first gold disc for Camarn de la Isla in Spain (over 50.000 copies sold). It is no secret that Camarn set a before and after in the flamenco history in Spain. He was a cante revolutionary and his contributions to flamenco are countless, and many of them acted as breeding ground for many other singers that were to come after him.
  Disco 1
  1. Soy gitano (Tangos)
  2. Casida de las palomas oscuras (Alegras)
  3. Thamar y Amnon (Buleras)
  4. Dicen de m (Bulera por Seguiriya)
  5. Luna llena (Buleras)
  6. El pez ms viejo del ro (Fandangos)
  7. Amor de conuco (Rumba)
  8. Nana del caballo grande