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 You are in ::  Flamenco music ::  Absolute Flamenco ::    ::  Cantan a Manuel de Falla

Cantan a Manuel de Falla #112UN122

Cantan a Manuel de Falla

9.45  / 12.19 $ 
Disponibility:  3 days
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:: Lole y Manuel   More songs of this artist
The legendary 70's couple came back in 1992 with this recording that pays tribute to some excerpts of Falla's Amor Brujo. From that encounter this album saw the light under the label Pasion, and it was ironically named 'Lole y Manuel cantan a Manuel de Falla'. With the help of the London Symphonic Orchestra, Lole and Manuel's music is not progressive rock nor Sinfonic rock, but they did participate in the birth of Andalucian Rock. Their music wasn't conventional or classic flamenco, it was 'avant-garde' flamenco with a different rhythmic and with bucolic lyrics written by Jos Manuel Flores, who used to write emotional songs about butterflies, the breeze and fresh tree branches, breaking apart from traditional flamenco lyrics which were often sad and bitter.
  Disco 1
  1. Introduccin y escena
  2. En la cueva la noche
  3. Cancin de amor dolido
  4. El aparecido danza del terror
  5. El crculo mgico: Romance del pescador
  6. A medianoche. los sortilegios
  7. Danza del fuego
  8. Escena
  9. Cancion del fuego fatuo
  10. Pantomima
  11. Danza del juego del amor
  12. Final: Las campanas del amanecer
  13. El pao moruno
  14. Asturiana
  15. Nana
  16. Cancin
  17. El Polo