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 You are in ::  Flamenco music ::  Sevillanas ::    ::  Triana es mucha Triana

Triana es mucha Triana #112UN397

Triana es mucha Triana

13.55 €  / 17.48 $ 
Disponibility:  3 days
Price total:  

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:: Sevillanas  More songs of this artist   :: Rumbas  More songs of this artist  

This cd is a large compilation of coplas por Sevillanas and Rumbas, which makes part of the oral tradition of the village, and therefore we can say that we are in front of a antological and historical  work.

This huge party, live recorded, represent the voice and spirit of each artists and by listening to it we hope that you will make part of the ‘trianero’ dream.


  Disc 1
  1. La Cava
  2. Altozano
  3. El Zurraque
  4. Calle Larga
  5. Calle Ancha
  6. La Plazuela
  7. Así Camina Triana