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Flamenco music - Sevillanas

[ 12 items ]
  • Sevillanas Despacio para empezar (Sevillanas slowly for beginners).CD 12.95€ #50506336606 Ref.: 50506336606

    Sevillanas Despacio para empezar (Sevillanas slowly for beginners).CD

    "Sevillanas despacio para empezar" is the perfect cd to begin dancing sevillanas. Thanks to this cd "Sevillanas despacio para empezar" you will learn how to dance sevillanas at different speeds. We know that the most beautiful Sevillanas are the slow ones as they are when the dancer has the chance to show off. You will also find a melting-pot of slow and speed rumbas; with lyrics in Spanish,...

    Price: 12.95 € (Without taxes)
  • Sevillanas- The spire which pleases the soul 9.75€ #50515EMI630 Ref.: 50515EMI630

    Sevillanas- The spire which pleases the soul

    The best sevillanas to dance. Sevillanas compilation with a complete artist selection as Los Los Romeros de la Puebla, los Marismeños, Requiebros, Cantores de Hispalis, Amigos de Gines...It is a very nice CD of Sevillanas.

    Price: 9.75 € (Without taxes)
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