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Outstanding Artists

    muy frágil. Mayte Martin

    Catalogue version to print
    muy frágil. Mayte Martin Ref.: 50113KIC227
    • Price: 15.65  €  (Without taxes)

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    • 1. Navega sola (Alegrías)
    • 2. Plaza de los Aljibes (Granaína)
    • 3. Zafiro y luna (Bulería) (4:21)
    • 4. Chilares (Taranto, Cartagenera y Taranta)
    • 5. Casapuerta (Toná y Seguiriya)
    • 6. Pastora Holiday (Tientos y Tangos)
    • 7. Chasqueona (Bulería)
    • 8. S.O.S.

    Mayte Martín is a different kind of Flamenca. The same can be said about the
    bulerías she sung in Muy Frágil, an album through which she marks her
    differences between her and other Flamenco cantaores and their cante. The
    Catalonian cantaora is open to many different styles and has fun
    experimenting, which is why many say 'she sings it all and all she sings
    well. 'She is well established as a lady of Flamenco and her musicality, gentleness and qualities allow her to go further than any label or tag can put her.
    Besides being a talented cantaora she is also an exceptional guitarist and
    Flamenco componer.

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