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    Women of Water. Javier Limón

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    Women of Water. Javier Limón Ref.: 50112UN637
    • Price: 24.75  €  (Without taxes)

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    1. Amanecer En Estambul (Obertura)

    • 2. ¡Las Caritas Desnudas! (Paso A Dos Tunecino)
    • 3. Manuela (Pasodoble turco)
    • 4. Fadista Louco (Fado)
    • 5. Media Luna Me Sonríe (Túnez E Influencias Del Este)
    • 6. Oro Santo (Canción Isleña)
    • 7. El Beso Libanés (Canción Libanesa-Iraquí)
    • 8. La Calle del Olivar (Copla y Oud por bulerías)
    • 9. Agua Misteriosa
    • 10. Komo El Pasharo Ke Bola (Repertorio Ladino)
    • 11. Milo Mou Kai Mandarini (Tradicional Griego)
    • 12. Un Lugar Casi Vacío (Buzuki Flamenco)

    The Mediteranean sea and the voices of its women arethe storyline of this CD dedicated to women, and specially, to the women they forbid to sing, for some reasons.Twelve artists from five different countries joined in this CD dedicated to the iranian singers chased.Only one Cd with famous artists like: Estrella Morente, Mariza, Buika, Elefhteria Arvanitaki or Carmen Linares.

    Different music cultures with the sea and especially the Mediteranean sea like the the linkwhich convert a very rich disc musically speaking like Javier Limon explained: "submerged in a world of differentand similar sounds at the same time, roots of a same tree".

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