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    Rio de Canasteros - Diego Amador

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    Rio de Canasteros - Diego Amador Ref.: 50509NM573
    • Price: 18.51  €  (Without taxes)

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    Disc 1

    • 1. Sangre milenaria ( Tangos )
    • 2. Rio de los canasteros ( Bulerias )
    • 3. Miel y sal ( Alegrias )
    • 4. Aires de Levante ( Taranta )
    • 5. Calle las flores ( Fandangos )
    • 6. Mi flamenca ( Tientos )
    • 7. Muerto de amor ( Bulerias )
    • 8. Suena mi guitarra
    • 9. Al Latin ( Rumba )

    In his third record with the title “Río de los Canasteros”, Diego Amador has done his most creative work.

    He counted on the wonderful collaborators as Tomatito, Raimundo Amador, Tino Di, Geraldo, Carles Benavent. The different kinds of music he plays in this record are Tangos, Bulerías, Fandangos, Tientos and Rumbas.

    His interest in music turned him into a several instruments player , when he is composing, recording and producing. Nevertheless, his career in solitary defines him clearly as a pianist and a "cantaor". The piano, considered his “instrument”, which has never served him as a Spanish reference, was discovered through the jazz; music by which he was captivated since his childhood. This encourages him to participate and share the projects with the tenors of this kind of music.

    His inspiration to compose flamenco is still being guitar that gives him a natural touch to play Solea, Bulerías, Rondeña. Being flamenco is his stamp. Singing is his musical facet less known, this will be without any doubt the revelation that turns him into the unparalleled one of the kind.

    Diego Amador, pianist, guitarist, basist and cantaor is a complete artist who represents best the amazing vitality of flamenco.

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