
    Contra Las Cuerdas (Vol.1). Oscar Herrero

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    Contra Las Cuerdas (Vol.1). Oscar Herrero Ref.: 50079L-CLC1
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    Masters of the Flamenco Guitar in the privacy of an interwiew.

    This work in two volumes supposes the biggest approach to the great masters of the contemporary flamenco guitar made so far. From the perspective of a guitarist who works as a journalist and with the final idea of revealing an important part of the secrets, experiences and opinions about the profession of each of them; the musical and sociological tour that “Contra las cuerdas” proposes soaks in the most intimate part of the profession of flamenco guitarist.

    In this volume Serranito, Manolo Sanlúcar, Tomatito, Gerardo Núñez… are interviewed and pieces of incalculable journalistic value like two interviews of Paco de Lucía in the year 1971 and 1986 are recovered. One of them unpublished and the other one recovered from oblivion.

    This work is completed with a second volume were you will be able to read the confidences of Vicente Amigo, Cañizares, Riqueni, Josemi Carmona… among others.

    Size: 17X24

    310 pages


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