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    Antonio Gades Ref.: 50317848048652
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    Antonio Gades, from Alicante, book with more than 300 pages, a tribute to his life and artistic work, accross some pictures, that Gades has left to his foundation a few month before his deatgh.
    You will find, among others, pictures of Colita, Antonio Cores and Pepe Lamarca.

    "I began to dance by chance and I was lucky because I found the best teacher, Pilar López."
    Antonio Gades (November 14, 1936 - July 20, 2004) was a Spanish flamenco dancer and choreographer (born Antonio Esteve Ródenas in Elda, Land of Valencia). He helped to popularise the art form on the international stage. His most notable works included dance adaptations of Prosper Merimée's Carmen and Federico García Lorca's Blood Wedding (Bodas de Sangre), as well as a feature-length adaptation of Manuel de Falla's 23-minute ballet El Amor Brujo. In the 1990s, he toured the world with his show Fuenteovejuna based on Lope de Vega's play of the same name. He collaborated closely with the Spanish director Carlos Saura in the filming of his such adaptations, and also with Cristina Hoyos, one of the most prolific contemporary female flamenco dancers.

    Gades has also co-founded and became the artistic director of the Spanish National Ballet (Ballet Nacional de España) in 1978. He died in Madrid after a long battle with cancer.

    The book structure is divided in three parts: the man, the artist and his work.

    Measurements: 32 cm. X 24 cm.


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