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Flamenco music - Didactic Material - Books

[ 48 items ]
  • Sebastía Gasch: el flamenco y Barcelona de Francisco Hidalgo Gómez 9.00€ #5007188944306 Ref.: 5007188944306

    Sebastía Gasch: el flamenco y Barcelona de Francisco Hidalgo Gómez

    The decade of the twenties and the first one of the thirties of this century is specially active for flamenco in the Condal City. Exceptional witness of the epoch is Sebastiá Gasch, who, across his articles describes this epoch of brilliance. In this work Francisco Hidalgo reconstructs the steps of Sebastià Gash, this impenitent sleepwalker and recreates his experiences and thoughts. Thus he...

    Price: 9.00 € (Without taxes)
  • Erotismo Y Humor En Las Coplas Flamencas 12.00€ #5007188944122 Ref.: 5007188944122

    Erotismo Y Humor En Las Coplas Flamencas

    "Erotismo y humor en las coplas flamencas" (EHCF) contains more than 450 caps of condensed and time-proof humor. The combination of AC (Alusiones Cornamentales), CV (Calebturas Varias) and HAC (Humor Altamente Cáustico) make of this book an effective medicine against all kinds of psychopathologies: pre-matrimonial phobia, depressive conditions produced by the holidays virus, pre-divorce...

    Price: 12.00 € (Without taxes)
  • El flamenco y la música andalusí de Cristina Cruces 10.00€ #5007188944399 Ref.: 5007188944399

    El flamenco y la música andalusí de Cristina Cruces

    A deep study on the presence of the Arabic-Andalusian music in the Andalusian gipsy singing both in melodic aspects and in the use of instruments. More than a hundred photographies and ancient engravings illustrate a book, exceeding the borders of music, investigating the vital, literary and rhythmic affinities between the current flamenco and the andalusí music. In this book the authoress...

    Price: 10.00 € (Without taxes)
  • Sernita de Jerez. ¡Vamos a acordarnos!. La memoria cabal de su casta de José Manuel Gamboa 27.00€ #50071357686 Ref.: 50071357686

    Sernita de Jerez. ¡Vamos a acordarnos!. La memoria cabal de su casta de José Manuel Gamboa

    .Prologue by Diego Carrasco..Includes a CD with songs and unpublished pictures. Jose Manuel Gamboa presents this fantastic biography about Sernita de Jerez, one of the fathers of the contemporary flamenco singing. They are some persons who were born in the right place but maybe out of their time. Sernita de Jerez was born in a pure, authentic territory, when poetry was experiencing hard times....

    Price: 27.00 € (Without taxes)
  • Guía comentada de música y baile preflamencos (1750-1808) de Faustino Núñez 35.00€ #50071357785 Ref.: 50071357785

    Guía comentada de música y baile preflamencos (1750-1808) de Faustino Núñez

    A very meticulous study in which the author investigates in more than 3000 works of the XVIIIth century, the origin of flamenco. A work of something more than 800 pages and four years of incessant research in newspaper libraries have given place to the most rigorous study on the origin of flamenco. The book comes to cover an emptiness on documentary information that exists on this crucial epoch,...

    Price: 35.00 € (Without taxes)
  • Tradición y experimentos en el baile flamenco: Rosa Montes y Alberto Alarcón 18.00€ #50071357860 Ref.: 50071357860

    Tradición y experimentos en el baile flamenco: Rosa Montes y Alberto Alarcón

    "Tradición y experimentos en el baile flamenco": Rosa Montes and Alberto Alarcón, an essay about the past and the future of flamenco.With an exceptional clarity Nadine Cordwinus synthesize the essential characteristics which configure the 3 pillars of the flamenco art through the history. Then she tries to analyse the present insisting on the dance. We will also find experts opinions and we...

    Price: 18.00 € (Without taxes)
  • The roots of the Mines Songs. Pedro Fernández Riquelme 12.00€ #500780001 Ref.: 500780001

    The roots of the Mines Songs. Pedro Fernández Riquelme

    In the fascinating world of the "Antonio Chacon - La Taranta II Part. Flamenco and couplet in the region of Murcia.III Part. Guierrita and the Lost Generation. Only available in Spanish.

    Price: 12.00 € (Without taxes)
  • Cante de la minas. Notas a pie de festival (La Unión 2004-2007)de Francisco Hidalgo Gómez 16.00€ #50071357855 Ref.: 50071357855

    Cante de la minas. Notas a pie de festival (La Unión 2004-2007)de Francisco Hidalgo Gómez

    "Cante de la minas. Notas a pie de festival (La Unión 2004-2007)" by Francisco Hidalgo Gómez. Francisco Hidalgo summarize the history of the Festival "La Unión" and tells anecdotes about the last years. All the great figures of flamenco offered performances in this festival. Paco Hidalgo is an expert of the flamenco current affairs. He offers personal moments of the Festival Internacional del...

    Price: 16.00 € (Without taxes)
  • ''Crotalogía'' science of the castanets 13.10€ #50588EXT9366 Ref.: 50588EXT9366

    ''Crotalogía'' science of the castanets

    This curious argument is, more than a method of the art of the castanets, a scientific-philosophical treatise camouflaged, loaded of a very fine irony against what at that time meant the ‘’Cañí Spain’’. The fundamentals notions of the ‘’Crotalogía’’ or science of the castanets, the description and construction of these ones or the exclusive method and easy to learn how to play...

    Price: 13.10 € (Without taxes)
  • The castanets. Book 8.90€ #50588EXT4598 Ref.: 50588EXT4598

    The castanets. Book

    Francisco Asenjo Barbieri (Madrid, 1823-1894), composer considered father of the Zarzuela and precursor of the musical language authentically Spanish. He played instruments as clarinet and piano. Choir conductor and orchestra, founder of different musical and cultural associations, among them the musical Spain, the Concerts Society and the Book lovers Society, publisher, critic, researcher,...

    Price: 8.90 € (Without taxes)