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    Flamenco Inheritance Melancholy CD + DVD

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    Flamenco Inheritance Melancholy CD + DVD Ref.: 50080931168
    • Price: 13.55  €  (Without taxes)

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    • 1. Procuro olvidarte
    • 2. Voy a mojarme los labios
    • 3. Lazaro
    • 4. Personales
    • 5. La Cama
    • 6. Bravo
    • 7. Payaso
    • DVD
    • 1. Procuro olvidarte
    • 2. Voy a mojarme los labios
    • 3. Lazaro
    • 4. Personales
    • 5. La Cama
    • 6. Bravo
    • 7. Payaso

    Manuel García Serrano is "LoLo", was born in Huelva, of gypsy parents. It is formed as an artist, since the 14 years old working for most tablaos of the country. As well he says "I sing and dance"  because he has necessity to make it, to express everything he feels and because it is his form to live and to feel the heat of the public.
    An artist with a unique live, full of nuances and a lot of firepower race. Two things mark his life; family and his sing, artist for the art and by his art. He reflects his thought to us: "I believe in the friendship and in the good intentions of the people, I thank God for making me as I am "LOLO SERRANO"

    Gloria Lázaro......Choirs and Palms
    Paco Heredia........Piano
    Juan Mateo...........Percussion

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