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 You are in ::  Flamenco music ::  Camaron de la Isla ::    ::  Soy gitano - Camaron de la Isla

Soy gitano - Camaron de la Isla #112UN50

Soy gitano - Camaron de la Isla

13.10 €  / 16.90 $ 
Disponibility:  3 days
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:: Camarón de la Isla   More songs of this artist :: Tomatito   More songs of this artist
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1989. 'Soy gitano', first gold disc for Camarón de la Isla in Spain (over 50.000 copies sold). It is no secret that Camarón set a before and after in the flamenco history in Spain. He was a cante revolutionary and his contributions to flamenco are countless, and many of them acted as breeding ground for many other singers that were to come after him.
  Disco 1
  1. Soy gitano (Tangos)
  2. Casida de las palomas oscuras (Alegrías)
  3. Thamar y Amnon (Bulerías)
  4. Dicen de mí (Bulería por Seguiriya)
  5. Luna llena (Bulerías)
  6. El pez más viejo del río (Fandangos)
  7. Amor de conuco (Rumba)
  8. Nana del caballo grande