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Artists - Diego 'El Cigala'

Diego 'El Cigala'
Nationality:   Español
Palos:   Bulerías, Alegrías, Mirabrás, Fandangos, Tangos, Rumba, Soleá

It is Camaron de la Isla that one day called him ‘Dieguito el Cigala’. He is the nephew of Rafael Farina. He was born in the Rastro neighbourhood in Madrid, where he stared to sing.
When he was 12 years old he won the first price of ‘Certamen Flamenco Joven de Getafe’ the crowd of the TVE ‘Gente Joven’. 

Like several other cantaores, El Cigala started singing in the street, in flamenco peñas (enthusiasts' clubs) and tablaos, until his excellent meter and ability to mark the rhythm turned him into one of the best at accompanying dancing. In this way, singing in the background for bailaores like Mario Maya, Faíco, Farruco, El Güito, Manuela Carrasco, Cristóbal Reyes, Carmen Cortés and Manolete, he has travelled around a large portion of the world, until he decided to sing from the front, which in flamenco slang means to sing on one's own, as opposed to accompanying the bailaor.

Singing from the front now since 1994, Dieguito has shown that he dominates the flamenco palos (forms) in the traditional style, and interprets them in a masterful and simple manner. He took part in several joint projects, and has shared the stage with many cantaores and musicians like Enrique Morente, José de la Mercé, Parrita, Gerardo Nuñez, Tomatito, Ketama, Vicente Amigo, Montse Cortés and Elena Andújar.

El Cigala himself says that he wants to continue making flamenco music, but without ceasing to be in touch with the current times; he wants to play "fresh flamenco". This is why he has been so bold as to mix pure flamenco singing with other musical styles: Bebo Valdés, an elderly Cuban musician with whom he performs a guajira, and jazz musician Jerry López, have both worked on his record "Corren Tiempos de Alegría". He obtained his greatest success with 'Lágrimas negras', which he recorded alongside Bebo Valdés, and in which bolero and flamenco are blended with mastery.

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