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Artists - Beni de Cadiz (Benito Rodriguez Rey)

Beni de Cadiz (Benito Rodriguez Rey)
El Beni de Cádiz con Manuela Vargas
Nationality:   Español
Palos:   Alegrias, Soleá, Rondeñas, Fandangos de Huelva, Seguiriyas, Bulerías, Malagueñas, Verdiales, Tientos, Fandangos,

El Beni, abiertamente caracolero.

Benito Rodríguez Rey. Cadiz, 1929 - Sevilla, 1992. Singer. At the age of eleven, he earned his living singing on the train from his home town to Jerez de la Frontera. He began professionally as a dancer, at which he was most skilled, and Manolo Caracol hired him as such. As he did not stop singing round the dressing rooms in the theater, he sent him out to sing and he faithfully followed the caracolera school.

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