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Search results: Porrinas de Badajoz

[ 13 items ]
  • Flamenco singers anthology 23.10€ #50112UN108 Ref.: 50112UN108

    Flamenco singers anthology

    ''Antología cantaores del flamenco'' consists of 2 discs with the following artits: Rafael Romero, Paco Toronjo, El Lebrijano, Caracol, Turronero, Maria la Perrata, La Paquera, Porrinas, Terremoto, Fosforito, El Chato de la Isla, Luis de Cordoba Antonio el Sevillano and Antonio Mairena.

    Price: 23.10 € (27.09 USD)
  • Grandes cantaores del flamenco - Porrinas de Badajoz 8.90€ #50112UN207 Ref.: 50112UN207

    Grandes cantaores del flamenco - Porrinas de Badajoz

    Porrinas recorded all of his cantes with his unique signature; a voice smothered by peculiar bass tones making it hard to be imitated. Whoever has heard him has been able to appreciate a great cantaor who is unbeatable in his art and who, knowing how cante should be done, found the traits that would make a difference in the genre which is why he would eventually become known as an unorthodox...

    Price: 8.90 € (10.44 USD)
  • El Flamenco es universal 15.55€ #50112UN56 Ref.: 50112UN56

    El Flamenco es universal

    This double CD puts together 34 flamenco artists. A compilation like few given the high quality of the performing artists, the songs, and the wide variety of styles. From Fosforito in 1957 to the virtuoso Tomatito in 2001, spanning over 50 years of Flamenco history.

    Price: 15.55 € (18.24 USD)
  • Cafe Madrid 13.10€ #50509NM316 Ref.: 50509NM316

    Cafe Madrid

    A selection from a extensive walk through the very best Flamenco personalities. This includes:  La nina de la Puebla  with their song 'Dice que no'; Porrina de Badajoz with 'Extremena' & 'Un Aguila Imperial'; 'Esta es mi vida' from El Turronero; 'Soleares Populares' from Paco de Lucia; and 'Farruca' from Manolo SanLucar.There are a total of 16 songs on the CD.

    Price: 13.10 € (15.36 USD)
  • Con poderio (nuestro mejor flamenco) 12.45€ #50515EMI115 Ref.: 50515EMI115

    Con poderio (nuestro mejor flamenco)

    A grouping of flamencos from the past and the present, along with a handful of songs that make history, and an overview of the young and daring flamenco, the one for rumbas, the one for the streets. On the flip-side a museum of vintage art, it was pure; the one from before, full of tints and shades. With this 2 disc album one can enjoy a wonderful journey through all of Spain's flamenco from...

    Price: 12.45 € (14.60 USD)
  • Por malagueñas, granainas y media granaina 12.05€ #50515EMI284 Ref.: 50515EMI284

    Por malagueñas, granainas y media granaina

    Por Malagueñas, granainas y media granaina is a compilatin of the great flamenco artists singing for malagueñas and granainas. Some of the titles include: Ni quién se acuerde de mi by Enrique Morente. Campos de Ronda la Vieja and La que vive en la carrera by Carmen Linares. Por lo mucho que te quiero by Manuel Soto 'El Sordera'. Haciendo por olvidarte by Porrinas de Badajoz. Sentir de...

    Price: 12.05 € (14.13 USD)
  • El flamenco es universal vol. 1 12.45€ #50112UN371 Ref.: 50112UN371

    El flamenco es universal vol. 1

    In this cd 'El Flamenco es universal vol. 1' have a variety of artists, of styles and of stages in flamenco in a compilation that covers almost half a century of the history of flamenco through the performances of great flamenco singers and high-quality guitarists, ranging from the most classical ones to the most recent ones.

    Price: 12.45 € (14.60 USD)
  • Esencial Flamenco Vol. 7 5.95€ #50080510578 Ref.: 50080510578

    Esencial Flamenco Vol. 7

    "Esencial flamenco" is a cds collection including songs from important flamenco artists."Esencial flamenco vol.7" offers 14 themes, all sung by genius like Manuel Vallejo, El Niño Gloria, Niño de la Huerta, Porrina de Badajoz, Paco el Americano, Manuel Torre, La Niña de los Peines, Pepe Pinto... among others.

    Price: 5.95 € (6.98 USD)
  • Esencial Flamenco Vol. 10 5.95€ #50084510608 Ref.: 50084510608

    Esencial Flamenco Vol. 10

    "Esencial flamenco" is a cds collection including songs from important flamenco artists."Esencial flamenco vol.10" offers 14 themes, all sung by genius like La Niña de la Puebla, Tomás Pavón, Agujeta El Viejo, Pepe Marchena, El Niño Gloria, Pepe Pinto, Niño de la Huerta, Porrina de Badajoz, Paco El Americano, Manuel Torre... among others.

    Price: 5.95 € (6.98 USD)
  • Esencial Flamenco Vol. 8 5.95€ #500846510585 Ref.: 500846510585

    Esencial Flamenco Vol. 8

    "Esencial flamenco" is a cds collection including songs from important flamenco artists."Esencial flamenco vol.8" offers 14 themes, all sung by genius like Manuel Vallejo, El Niño Gloria, Niño Huerta, Porrinas de Badajoz, Paco El Americano, Manuel Torre, La Niña de los Peines, Pepe Pinto... among others.

    Price: 5.95 € (6.98 USD)
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