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Search results: Plaza Nueva

[ 7 items ]
  • Ya es primavera 18.85€ #50112UN423 Ref.: 50112UN423

    Ya es primavera

    'Ya es primavera' is Plaza Nueva's new album, an album full of sevillans created to discover the Andalousian spring. Plaza Nueva is a reference in the world of the Andalousian music. This album is offen used by danse schools thanks to it compas and art. You will find all kinds of sevillanas with a very precise compas. It is an ideal album for the 'ferias' and parties.

    Price: 18.85 € (22.11 USD)
  • El gordo. Plaza Nueva. CD 14.70€ #50112UN389 Ref.: 50112UN389

    El gordo. Plaza Nueva. CD

    Plaza Nueva is a reference in the world of the Andalousian music. This album is offen used by danse schools thanks to it compas and art. You will find all kinds of rumbas with a very precise compas. It is an ideal album for the 'ferias' and parties.

    Price: 14.70 € (17.24 USD)
  • Baila que Baila. Plaza Nueva 18.90€ #50112UN388 Ref.: 50112UN388

    Baila que Baila. Plaza Nueva

    There are no less than 52 sevillanas, as well as another gift CD with five rumbas on it, so that it offers something for different tastes. Furthermore, the original sevillana 'No me dejes de mirar' has been composed by Antonio Romero Monje from Los del Río, the duet who became famous.

    Price: 18.90 € (22.17 USD)
  • Triana es mucha Triana 13.55€ #50112UN397 Ref.: 50112UN397

    Triana es mucha Triana

    This cd is a large compilation of coplas por Sevillanas and Rumbas, which makes part of the oral tradition of the village, and therefore we can say that we are in front of a antological and historical

    Price: 13.55 € (15.89 USD)
  • 150 Sevillanas para bailar (2 cd's) 16.25€ #50112UN390 Ref.: 50112UN390

    150 Sevillanas para bailar (2 cd's)

    Anchored by primo guitarists Manolo Franco, Nino de Pura and Jose Antonio Rodriguez, and a vocal sound reminiscent of Raya Real, this duo sings its way through no less than 150 classic Sevillanas. Taking one copla each from some of the most memorable Sevillanas ever and forging them into danceable medleys of eight Sevillanas (double dance time). Great sound, and the collection even doubles as an...

    Price: 16.25 € (19.06 USD)
  • De fiesta - Plaza Nueva 12.60€ #50112UN373 Ref.: 50112UN373

    De fiesta - Plaza Nueva

    'De fiesta'PLAZA NUEVA is a reference in the world of the Andalousian music. This album is offen used by danse schools thanks to it compas and art. You will find all kinds of sevillanas with a very precise compas. It is an ideal album for the 'ferias' and parties.This album has the caracteristique sound of PLAZA NUEVA and includes sevillas dedicated to Curro Romero.You will find in the album...

    Price: 12.60 € (14.78 USD)
  • 200 Sevillanas - Plaza Nueva 21.50€ #50112UN541 Ref.: 50112UN541

    200 Sevillanas - Plaza Nueva

    Plaza Nueva, after quite a long way,decided to compile in 2 Cd's 200 of the most important sevillanas of the history.You will be able to find in these Cd'sall the workrealised by the group until nowadays.This includes popular sevillanas, sevillanas of love, from the sea, for feria, of habits and 'sevillanas del Rocío'.A complilation realised with the most appropriate compás for the dance with...

    Price: 21.50 € (25.21 USD)
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