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Search results: Chocolate

[ 12 items ]
  • Sacromonte 13.65€ #50511BMG274 Ref.: 50511BMG274


    Sacromonte, by Enrique Morente, is this recording's title. Sacromonte is a neighborhood in Granada where gypsies live in caves and singing and dancing flamenco is part of the daily routine. Is one of the most important birthplaces of flamenco in all of Andalucía which has brought out important and famous bailaores, guitarrists and cantaores of flamenco such as Enrique Morente, el Polaco, los...

    Price: 13.65 € (16.01 USD)
  • Por bulerias 11.35€ #50515EMI290 Ref.: 50515EMI290

    Por bulerias

    A compilation of bulerías.An indispensable album. The bulerías of Pepa de Benito, del Potito, de Remedios, Bernarda and Fernanda and the genius cover of Arriero by Chano Lobate are jeweles. It as flamenco as it gets in its cante and guitars.

    Price: 11.35 € (13.31 USD)
  • Un siglo con duende 18.95€ #50515EMI78 Ref.: 50515EMI78

    Un siglo con duende

    In two discs, Un Siglo Con Duende brings together the most ripe works of flamenco. It is an excellent compilation with an eclectic variety of different flamenco styles of different time periods. Works from the following artists: Dorantes, Tomatito, Camarón, Remedios Amaya, Esperanza Fernández, Indio Gitano, Juan Manuel Cañizares, Enrique Morente, Juanito Villar, Chano Lobato, Fernanda de...

    Price: 18.95 € (22.22 USD)
  • Duende & Fiesta. Flamencopassion 32.00€ #50515EMI92 Ref.: 50515EMI92

    Duende & Fiesta. Flamencopassion

    Duende & Fiesta is a 3 disc compilation of the best songs by the best flamenco artists. Interpreters like amaron de la Isla, Tomatito,Carmen Linares , Manuel Soto 'El Sorderita',Chano Lobato, Dieguito el Cigala, Juanito Valderrama, La Niña de los peines, Bernarda y Fernanda de Utrera, Pepe Marchena, Navajita Plateá , Fosforito, Enrique Morente, Antonio el Chaqueta and many others.

    Price: 32.00 € (37.53 USD)
  • Momentos Cumbre (Los grandes maestros del arte flamenco) 23.95€ #50112BMG82 Ref.: 50112BMG82

    Momentos Cumbre (Los grandes maestros del arte flamenco)

    Momentos Cumbre (Los grandres Maestros del arte flamenco) is made up of 3 fully remastered Cd's in which 'there is no selection criteria other than offering the listener with a sampler of the best quality voices and guitars of flamenco's most fertile catalogue on record'. It is selection of the best recordings from the archives of the following labels: Ariola, Columbia, Rca, Alhambra, Zafiro,...

    Price: 23.95 € (28.09 USD)
  • Flamenco Vivo 7.35€ #50112DV42 Ref.: 50112DV42

    Flamenco Vivo

    A compilation of the greatest artists of all times such as Paco de Lucia, Porrina de Badajoz, El Lebrijano, Naranjito de triana, Duquende con Manzanita, Ana Reverte, José el de la Tomasa, El Turronero, Manolo Sanlucar , El Cabrero, Parrita and many others.

    Price: 7.35 € (8.62 USD)
  • Grandes cantaores del flamenco - Ramón de Algeciras 8.90€ #50112UN206 Ref.: 50112UN206

    Grandes cantaores del flamenco - Ramón de Algeciras

    62 year-old Ramón de Algeciras is a key person in Paco de Lucías group and career. He has accompanied his brother, Paco de Lucía, on many occassions. He is modest and a man of few words. His specialty is accompanying cante, he has never pretended to be a concert giver. As a cante guitarrist, it has never interested him to go solo. Ramon de Algeciras, a.k.a. Ramón Sánchez Gómez, does not...

    Price: 8.90 € (10.44 USD)
  • Mis 70 años con el cante 19.95€ #50112UN241 Ref.: 50112UN241

    Mis 70 años con el cante

    'Mis 70 años con el cante' represents an entire life dedicated to the flamenco cante.The disc comes in a beautiful package. The 30-page CD jacket has song lyrics, an interview with the cantaor, biographical information and many pictures. At the end of his long and productive career, the gypsy cantaor was awarded the Latin Grammy for best flamenco album for 'Mis 70 años con el cante.'

    Price: 19.95 € (23.40 USD)
  • Flamenco de Carlos Saura vol.2 11.35€ #50506T14C198 Ref.: 50506T14C198

    Flamenco de Carlos Saura vol.2

    Carmen Linares, Lole y Manuel, Paco de Lucia, Manolo SanLucar, Joquin Cortes, Paco Toronjo, Remedios Amaya, Manzanita, Ketama and many others totaling over 100 top artists who put forth their best efforts to make this album, Vol. 2 from the film 'Flamenco de Carlos Saura'.

    Price: 11.35 € (13.31 USD)
  • Por tangos 12.35€ #50515EMI142 Ref.: 50515EMI142

    Por tangos

    'Por Tangos,' is a compilation of only tango interpretations which brings together the best flamenco cantaores; including:  Juana la del Revuelo, Carmen Linares, Enrique Morente, Remedios Amaya, Tomatito, Esperanza Fernández, Manuel Soto “Sordera”, Fernanda de Utrera, Juan el de la Vara, Gabriel Moreno, Chocolate, Chato de la Isla and Perla de Cádiz.

    Price: 12.35 € (14.49 USD)
  • Evocación a Fernando Terremoto. En Compás de Origen 15.20€ #50481MM458 Ref.: 50481MM458

    Evocación a Fernando Terremoto. En Compás de Origen

    Recorded live at the Albeniz Theatre of Madrid, during the show with the same name. Directed by Manuel Morao. Cante: Antonio Nuñez “Chocolate”, Maria Vargas, Fernando Terremoto (hijo), Ines Bacan. Guitarists: Juan Morao and Diego Amaya.

    Price: 15.20 € (17.83 USD)
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